Let's Grow Preston
In 2023, I'll be running more workshops at the Ashton Walled Gardens.
28th Jan – looking at light, and how it affects your images
25th Feb – changing your viewpoint – composition tips and tricks
25th Mar – a picture is worth a thousand words – photo stories
22nd Apr – get closer – close up and macro photography
27th May – alternative and historic photography techniques – cyanotype and anthotype
24th June – celebrating the gardens
Booking is through Let's Grow Preston at
We will exhibit photographs produced during this year's workshop on 2nd September, when the garden is open through the National Gardens Scheme.
I enjoyed working alongside the charity Let’s Grow Preston over the past year to encourage their volunteers and members to explore the gardens in a new way.
In 2022 I ran a series of free workshops exploring how the gardens change in different seasons, and making images for an exhibition on 23rd July. Images of the exhibition are below.
As well as digital photography, I also explored alternative camera-less techniques. Click on the pictures below to see the exhibition images. Images from Caroline, Denise, Gill, Haze, Laura, Louise, Sue and Wendy.
I'd like to thank the staff and volunteers of Let's Grow Preston for all their support.